What is CSG?
With the idea that each organization and / or its programs exist within different organizational life stages, the best strategic plans and most realistic goals are made when that stage is accurately identified.
The Organizational Life Cycle – What is that?
One main thought process behind the organizational life cycle is, “Biological model for organizational growth” as discussed in Modern Organizational Theory.
Organizations, constructed and managed by humans, move through stages more similarly to human life cycles than a rigid structure.
Many different theories and models have been developed over time on what those stages are.
https://www.aihr.com/blog/organizational-life-cycle/ is a good summary of several of them.
So why specifically do we believe in Create. Sustain. Grow. for nonprofits?
Because Nonprofits and their professionals carry the “hero’s burden”.
This means the public good sectors are often tasked with filling in the societal gaps that government and private sectors are not willing to. This means that the public good sector will need to continue their services and resources for decades to come and so sustainability and reliable consistency is more important versus a sales or profit structured business model.